Poster Presentation Guidelines
Electronic Poster Presentations
Electronic posters should be 4 x 3 Format LANDSCAPE.
Electronic posters can be sent as JPG, PNG, PDF or PowerPoint files.
Electronic posters are limited 3 pages per poster.
Electronic posters are mandatory.
Electronic poster should be emailed to Kerryf@turnergroup.co.za by no later than 17th August 2015.
Printed Poster Presentations
All posters must conform to the following guidelines:
Paper Size
A0 - 841mm x 1090 mm PORTRAIT.
A poster should include a clearly visible title at the top centre, followed by author and affiliation information underneath, including e-mail address / addresses. Body of the poster may start with a short introduction at the top left corner, followed by methods and results, with conclusion at the lower right corner.
Effective visual display of information is essential in a poster presentation. To achieve this goal, author(s) should concentrate on two or three main points and should prefer graphic displays over text to illustrate their message effectively. Overall, a poster should have more graphics than text. In addition, graphics should be simple to understand, with contrasting colors and no grid lines.
Poster text should be easily readable from a distance of 1-2 metres, and 1.5 or 2 lines of spaces should be used between each line. It is advised that authors should also pay attention to the following points:
- Headings should be 25 % larger than normal text. Bold or other colors may be used.
- Text should be kept to a minimum, and each block of text should include no more than a few sentences.
- Larger than usual fonts may be used in results and discussion sections to draw attention, while smaller fonts may be preferred for methods.
- Smaller fonts may be used for citations and acknowledgement.
- Suggested font sizes are:
- Main title: 78 -96 pt (bold, uppercase)
- Author(s): 72 pt (bold, title case)
- Affiliation(s): 48 pt (normal, title case)
- subheading: 36 pt (bold and uppercase)
- subheading: 30 pt (bold and title case)
- Body of the text: 24 pt (normal)